If you are a gamer and want to use a monitor with a 60hz refresh rate for playing 120 fps games. You might be wondering can I run a game or video content of 120 frames per second on a 60hz refresh rate? If that is you, we’ve got you covered.
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Here’s the Answer to Can 60 Hz Run 120 fps?
So can 60 Hz run 120 fps? Here is the answer “Yes, you cannot run a game or video content of 120 fps with a monitor of 60hz refresh rate but the monitor will output only 60 fps only and the extra FPS will be buffered. As a result, you’ll get a more responsive expereince. But the low refresh rate will not stop the working of the monitor for a fast game or action movie.
Let’s dive into details of how FPS and Hz are linked together. But before let’s understand the terms.
Frame Per Second
Frame per second is a terminology that is associated with monitors and televisions. Frame per second means how many frames of view a monitor a screen will show you in a second. The higher the frame per second of a device, the smoother will be its view. You will not find any difficulty while watching the screen.
You will need an appropriate frame per second for fast-paced games and action videos. You will not enjoy the content without an appropriate combination frame per second with a refresh rate.
You will need a specific frame per second for the gaming competitions. So you need to build the set accordingly.
Refresh Rate
The refresh rate of a monitor is a much-needed and necessary aspect. This is required the most when you go for fast-paced games and ultra-quick action movies. The refresh rate of a monitor demonstrates how quickly a new image is drawn to the screen.
You will not enjoy the performance of your PC, doesn’t matter how fast it is when you will use a monitor with a low refresh rate.
When it will work at the moment with a high frame per second which is produced by GPU and CPU then they will give excellent visual results in a combined way.
Your setup must have a GPU that can execute the instructions with a quick refresh rate and produce desired screen results.
Relation between Refresh rate and Frame per second
Frame per second and refresh rate of a monitor is not fully interdependent on each other for their specific functions for a monitor screen. GPU is responsible for producing frames per second while refresh rate is the frequency that the display produces per second.
The performance of your gaming or movie setup is not entirely dependent on their mutual relation. But keep one thing in your mind a low refresh rate with a high frame per second will not give you the true picture of your result with your ultimate desire or requirements.
It is reflected from the research that without an appropriate combination of frame per second and refresh rate of a monitor, the results are not in the required range.
It is a better suggestion to take both of them to work with applications requirements.
What Will Happen if You run 120fps at 60hz?
If you have a gaming setup or want to watch a movie with a 60hz refresh rate monitor screen setup, then obviously it will reflect the best result up to or around the refresh rate limit.
You will not get the smooth result with a higher frame per second rate of 120 with a 60hz refresh rate.
You will find some screen tearing effects with this combination of 120 frames per second and a refresh rate of 60hz. This will introduce a hindrance to your smooth visual experience.
You definitely do not want to miss a single frame of the fast-paced game or an action movie scene.
Although a low refresh rate will not stop the working of the game on the monitor with a higher frame per second but may cause some serious effects during the gameplay or movie. You can understand that the 60hz refresh rate will not support the 120 frames per second to the full extent.
You will feel some lag in performance in many aspects with this combination of frame per second and refresh rate.
You can play the games or see the content at low frames per second to avoid this inconvenience.
You can get the maximum value of the monitor screen refresh rate with the V-sync option.
It is also a better practice to go with a monitor screen that is capable of G-sync or Free-sync features for abolishing screen tearing or stuttering effects.
Also, check our guide on the best monitors for RTX 3080!
How Much Refresh rate is Required for 120fps?
If you get this concept clear, your questions like can 60 Hz run 120 fps or 240 fps will be resolved once and for all. You will not enjoy the content whether it will be a fast-paced game or a movie if you will use a low refresh rate with a higher frame per second.
You will be in need of a little bit more or an equal refresh rate with a frame per second. You will get the best outcomes with a 120 Hz refresh rate for a game or other content of 120 frames per second.
If you will use the low refresh rate for a higher frame per second then screen tearing and broken images effects will cause serious damage.
On the other hand, if you will have a much higher value of refresh rate than the current frame per second then you will not be able to see the content. It will go with a flash-like movement and you could not be able to handle it anyway.
I hope you got the answer to “can 60 Hz run 120 fps”. You can run 120 fps on a 60 Hz monitor but the monitor will display 60 fps only. You will get tearing and input lag.
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